A Funny Jewish Parable about Nervousness

In Jewish folklore and wisdom traditions, parables play a vital role in illustrating moral lessons, practical wisdom, and life’s ironies. These stories often feature everyday characters navigating common dilemmas, with humor often used to drive the point home. In this engaging Jewish parable about a husband and wife, we explore how a sense of humor and a change of perspective can drastically shift the weight of worry. The husband’s clever approach to his wife’s nervousness about a debt she owes to their neighbor, Isaac, will not only bring a smile to your face but will also make you think.

One evening, a Jewish husband and wife climbed into bed. The husband was feeling quite sleepy, but he noticed his wife seemed anxious, and her restlessness was preventing him from drifting off.

Jewish Parable about NervousnessA Hilarious Jewish Parable about Nervousness

“Why can’t you sleep?” The husband asked, worried.

“You know, I owe our neighbor Isaac 20,000 dollars. I have to pay it back tomorrow morning and I can’t…” the wife answered after a moment of hesitation.

“So that’s what’s causing your nervousness?!” said the husband, a sly smile playing on his lips.

“Well, how could I not worry?” responded the anxious wife, turning to her side.

“Just wait a few minutes!” the husband said, rising from the bed. He opened the window and called out at the top of his lungs.

“Isaac, Isaac!”

“What’s got you shouting at this hour of the night?!” came the reply from Isaac’s window.

“Does my wife owe you money?” the husband asked.

“Yes, she does, and she needs to return it tomorrow morning!” Isaac replied, his voice full of anticipation.

“Well, she can’t pay you back!” With that, the husband responded to Isaac’s angry retort by shutting the window.

The satisfied husband laid back down next to his now relieved wife, saying:

“Now let him do the worrying…”


In conclusion, this amusing parable serves as a stark reminder that worry is often a matter of perspective. The husband’s witty solution to pass the burden of worry to the one rightfully supposed to bear it, Isaac, demonstrates that sometimes, all it takes is a different viewpoint to lighten a heavy load. This story beautifully encapsulates the essence of Jewish humor – a clever blend of wisdom, wit, and a profound understanding of life’s many ironies. It invites us to question our worries, shifting our focus from the problem at hand to a creative, and in this case, humorous solution.