Each person can become a legend, create a masterpiece from his life, live happily, gain financial independence, which is basically the foundation of any kind of freedom, find solutions to numerous challenges faced by the humanity and get filled with an endless source of energy if there is an excellent mood for it. This “if’ is one of the most essential elements that prevents us from developing our skills in accordance with our potential. What we mean by this “if” is vital for each person in order to be happy and successful in life.

In order to develop a creative energy we must learn to control our mood. “If” means that our mood changes on daily basis and independently of us. You can go to bed in a good mood, but wake up sad and upset, as well as you can fall asleep feeling anxious about something but be in high spirits next morning.

And since you are able to become a legend you have to do it. You just need enough zeal that comes from a mood filled with faith in your own abilities. Don’t worry that you woke up in the wrong mood but find the key to success in this mood and turn it into your creative energy. Look at this issue in a different way: if every person woke up in the excellent mood every morning, he would be happy and become a legend. It’s so attractive to be happy and to become a legend because they are very hard to achieve. What becomes our daily routine, fails to be attractive any more. Would we rejoice at seeing the rainbow every day? Being happy and legendary – the two main goals of human activity would not be so desirable if the excellent mood were a guaranteed gift for everyone and every day.

Waking up in a changing mood is your chance to become a legend. Remember, your bad mood is your only chance to recall your mission – the universe expects you to create a masterpiece; so you are an irreplaceable creature who can turn your bad mood into an inspiration that makes you feel you are unique.

This is the secret to becoming a legend: billions of people wake up in a bad mood every morning and only those will create a masterpiece from their lives who will subject their moods to the mission and not vice versa. It is the fact that creative part of our brain starts working only when we are in a great and inspired mood.

Well, you have already been told as to how (always being in a great mood) and why (to accomplish your mission) you should win the title of a legend in a competition where your most significant rival is your own mood.

I do believe in your victory, so why don’t you believe in it too?