If you are determined to succeed in life, then you need to know about these people.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” – Henry Ford

When he was a 15-year-old boy he was gifted a pocket watch by his father which he dismantled and reassembled by himself. He also practiced on the timepieces of friends and neighbors and soon gained the reputation of a watch repairman.

His father William Ford wanted him to take over the family farm. When Henry’s mother died, he told his son:

“You ought to help me run the farm and do the things your mother did before she passed away.”

But William Ford was bitterly mistaken, for his son had much greater goals than just being an ordinary farmer.

“I never had any particular love for the farm, it was the mother on the farm that I loved” – was Henry’s answer to his father.

Warrior spirit

Henry faced a lot of challenges throughout his life having many failures on his way to achieve his goals, but despite this he never backed down, for he believed there are no limitations to people’s abilities.

“There is no man living who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can” – Henry Ford

His success

Henry Ford was a successful businessman, inventor and manager. He started his career as an ordinary mechanic, however, thanks to his great talent and determination he succeeded in creating one of the world’s leading automobile brands that was named after him.

According to Forbes, the net profit of the Ford Motor Company exceeds 190 billion dollars, which is, of course, an amazing result.

A secret to his success

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”. – Henry Ford

He appreciated the principle of teamwork, respected his employees, and perhaps this was the reason for his successful business. He never feared the challenges in his life but instead saw in them the chances of achieving personal growth.

“You can’t learn in school what the world is going to do next year” – he said.

Although he had never been taught “what the world was going to do next year”, it is thanks to him that the world is as it is “today.”